Biomedical Research Core & Services
The Biomedical Research Core provides laboratory support for research conducted throughout NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine and also collaborates closely with the core laboratories at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Our core includes state-of-the-art equipment and a wide range of biochemical, cellular, and molecular methodologies including array technology, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), tissue culture, histopathology, and fluorescence imaging.
Moreover, the Biomedical Research Core offers consultation for investigators during their research. For example, we currently support researchers who are examining complications associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, women’s and children’s health, and chronic disease and aging. The program is based on the integration of basic scientists with clinicians, who together have a bench-to-bedside philosophy. Our mission is to research the causes of disease, understand its mechanisms, and help to develop diagnostic and therapeutic solutions.
Our core is also a fertile environment for research training for medical students as well as residents and subspecialty fellows. Study of the disease states described above is relevant to graduate medical students in cardiology, nephrology, endocrinology, obstetrics and gynecology, pathology, pediatrics, pulmonology, hematology and oncology, rheumatology, and gastroenterology.
We offer research facilities that are equipped with the latest instruments and technologies. Our services are offered at a discounted rate for in-house personnel and at a fee-for-service for researchers from other institutions.
Imaging Facility
The core imaging facility features a wide spectrum of microscopy equipment with technical assistance both in sample preparation and image acquisition. We offer comprehensive electron and light microscopy technologies including several fluorescence microscopes, laser confocal scanning microscopy, and powerful image analysis software.
Electron Microscopy
The electron microscopy lab is equipped with a Zeiss EM10 transmission electron microscope and a Reichert-Jung Ultracut E microtome. Our highly experienced staff provides instruction, consultation, assistance, and collaboration for research involving electron microscopy. Current services include specimen preparation, ultramicrotomy, negative staining, and immuno-gold electron microscopy. If you are interested in tissue analysis at the ultrastructure level, please contact Louis Ragolia, PhD, core director, at 516-663-2028.
Light Microscopy
The light microscopy unit is equipped with several Nikon Eclipse TE 300 inverted scopes with fluorescence capabilities, as well as the Nikon Eclipse A1 and Keyence BZ-X800 confocal laser scanning microscopes. Each is fitted with an automated and temperature control stage, allowing for individual cell tracking, simulated three-dimensional imaging, and time-lapse video. In addition, all are fitted with high-resolution digital cameras and image analysis software.
The power of in situ hybridization is greatly extended by the simultaneous use of multiple fluorescent colors. In its simplest form, multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) can be used to identify as many labeled features as there are different fluorophores used in the hybridization. By using a combinations of colors, many more labeled features can be simultaneously detected in individual cells.
Molecular Imaging
The molecular imaging facility also provides researchers access to state-of-the-art instruments such as the Bio-Rad GelDoc Go, a phosphorimager, and Li-Cor Odyssey CLX near-infrared fluorescence imaging systems. These are capable of detecting and quantifying the levels and positions of radio- and fluorescently labeled molecules in a variety of formats, including gels, blots, and microtiter plates.
Suspension Array Facility
The suspension array facility offers investigators the Bio-Rad Bio-Plex 200 suspension array system, a flexible, easy-to-use analysis system that permits the simultaneous quantitative analysis of up to 100 different proteins, peptides, and nucleic acid tests in a single microtiter well. By multiplexing with the Bio-Plex system, we can dramatically increase the amount of useful information from rare or volume-limited samples.
Potential Applications
Cancer markers
Cellular signaling
Cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors
Metabolic markers
Protein expression profiling
Transcription factors and nuclear receptors
Genomic Research
Gene expression profiling
Genetic Disease Diagnostics
Cystic fibrosis
Cytochrome P450
Allergy testing
Autoimmune disease
Biodefense and environment
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) testing
Infectious disease
Small Instrument Fleet
The Small Instrument Fleet offers investigators a variety of instruments and services.
RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) is a sensitive technique for messenger RNA (mRNA) detection and quantitation. Compared with the two other commonly used techniques for quantifying mRNA levels, Northern blot analysis and RNase protection assay, RT-PCR can be used to quantify mRNA levels from much smaller samples. Our core has a Roche LightCycler 480 real-time PCR system with an interchangeable silver thermal block cycler unit. Users can switch between 96- and 384-mulitiwell plate formats. The system is operated by a separate desktop data station based on Windows XP.
Other available instruments we provide include the following:
- ÄKTA pure protein purification system
- BD Accuri flow cytometer
- BD FACSMelody cell sorter
- Optima MAX-TL tabletop ultracentrifuge
- Oxymax/Columbus Instruments comprehensive lab animal monitoring system
- Seahorse XFe24 analyzer
- Typhoon FLA 9500
Contact Us
For more information about the Biomedical Research Core, please contact the director, Louis Ragolia, PhD, at 516-663-2028.