Video, Photography & Use of Media Policy
NYU Langone may at times obtain and/or use photographs, audio, and/or video recordings to connect and share with students, staff, faculty, and the general public for purposes of education, marketing, publicity, fundraising, and student recruitment on behalf of NYU Langone, via the Internet, print publications, social media, and other media. Photos and videos of NYU Langone students and facilities can enhance reputation and support medical school student recruitment efforts.
These representations help us showcase quality, attract philanthropy, and maintain relationships with alumni. The use of this media may occur while you are at NYU Langone, or after you leave the institution. “NYU Langone” includes NYU Langone Health System, NYU Langone Hospitals (including all inpatient and ambulatory facilities), NYU Grossman School of Medicine, NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine, and all entities that are controlled by them, except where specifically excluded.
Campus Events and Public Spaces
Potential subjects of pictures or videos taken during campus events or in public spaces generally have minimal expectations of privacy. Photos and video taken in these settings often include pictures of speakers and presenters, crowds at athletic events, and institutional events such as graduation, family weekend, and annual commencement.
Images and videos taken in public spaces and/or at public events do not require authorization for publication. Your presence in or around NYU Langone facilities and/or properties, as well as at off-campus university-sponsored events, constitutes your consent to the capture and/or use of your image and/or voice by NYU Langone, and waives any claims or rights, whether in law or in equity.
Class Recordings
NYU Langone has a practice of making recordings of class sessions for education and administrative purposes and may make audio and/or video recordings of both in-person and virtual classes. NYU Langone makes recordings for use by instructors who may choose to make recordings available to students enrolled in the course. The recordings also may be made available by NYU Langone for internal education purposes and for other NYU Langone purposes in accordance with this policy.
To protect the integrity of class discussion and the privacy of students, only NYU Langone may record class sessions. Students must not record a class session. Instructors must not enable students to ability to record. Students also must not transfer any recordings they have previously made. Students given links to or other access to NYU Langone recordings by their instructors or others must not share those links or provide access to the recordings to others. Access is limited to students enrolled in the specific class except as otherwise determined by NYU Langone.
Student Opt-Out
NYU Langone students can opt out of providing general photo permission during the registration process each semester. Students (or the parents or guardians of such persons who are under the age 18) who do not want to be photographed or recorded, or have their name or information used in connection with any such recording, must submit a completed Media Opt-Out Form to the Office of Students (“OSD”) and the Office of Communications and Marketing (“OCM”).
Opting out is best done before a picture or image has been taken or published. If a student decides at a later date to revoke photo permissions, the student should complete a Media Opt-Out Form and provide the OSD and the OCM with information on the specific photos or videos that they want removed. The OCM will attempt to remove related media from the NYU Langone website and social media channels within 120 days of receipt of the student’s Media Opt-Out Form. Please note that we cannot be held responsible for the takedown of media on non-NYU Langone websites and social media channels.
Students who submit a completed Media Opt-Out Form are responsible for removing themselves from areas in which photography and/or video is taking place, or notifying the camera operator of their opt-out status. Students who do not want their image used in marketing materials should opt out and also remove themselves from NYU Langone marketing group photos. Failure to do so may result in that student’s inclusion in a photograph or recording and will be treated as consent for NYU Langone to use that photograph or recording accordingly.
When a completed Media Opt-Out Form is on file, NYU Langone will make every effort to honor that student’s opt-out status, even in public spaces or at public events. In the absence of a completed and submitted media opt-out form, a student releases and discharges NYU Langone from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of aforementioned photographs, audio, and/or video recordings, including without limitation any and all claims for libel or invasion of privacy.