Faculty Scholars Program | NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine | NYU Langone Health

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Faculty Development & Mentoring Faculty Scholars Program

Faculty Scholars Program

The Faculty Scholars Program at NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine helps faculty members advance their teaching skills for effective delivery of high-quality, evidence-based medical education.

As a participant in the program, you can choose either the 12-month educator pathway or the 18-month researcher pathway. Both pathways contain inquiry-based, interactive class sessions, and self-guided, independent reading assignments geared toward professional development.

Topics include learning theories, collaborative learning methods, instructional models for designing courses, and how to be an effective leader and mentor in academic environments. You gain experience searching and appraising literature about medical education, designing research studies, analyzing data, and presenting and publishing your research findings.

To complete the program, all participants either complete a departmental teaching plan (educator pathway) or present a research project at the capstone symposium on campus with encouragement to submit research findings to national meetings (researcher pathway).

Learn how to apply to our program and more about our recent graduates. If you have questions, contact Jeannine Nonaillada, PhD, assistant dean for faculty development and mentoring, at Jeannine.Nonaillada@NYULangone.org.

Our Curriculum

Faculty scholars take the following courses:

  • Research Primer and Institutional Review Board Basics
  • Conducting a Literature Search and Critical Appraisal
  • Writing the Literature Review and Reference Works Citation Manager
  • Research Design and Methods
  • Curriculum Development
  • Effective Small Group Teaching
  • Effective Large Group Teaching
  • Innovative Technology
  • Research Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Clinical Teaching and Giving Feedback
  • How to Design a Poster for a Professional Meeting
  • How to Write and Publish an Original Research Article
  • Academic Promotion and the Enhanced CV for Medical Educators
  • Using Simulation in Medical Education
  • Mentoring in Medical Education

You are expected to attend educational sessions and perform all required activities by the suggested completion dates. This includes reading, engaging in online discussions with the class, and other assignments.

How to Apply

To apply to the Faculty Scholars Program, you must submit a nominating letter from your department chair that highlights your professional and academic achievements and recognizes your time commitment to the program.

The following application materials are required and should be submitted as a single PDF file:

  • a CV, including information about your current role, responsibilities, and activities
  • a brief description of a scholarly project proposal that clearly states a research question, outlines findings from a preliminary literature search, and explains a feasible design
  • the letter of approval from your department chair or division chief

Applicants must be employed at NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine for at least one year, be able to attend classes for the duration of the program, and satisfy all application deadlines. Access the full eligibility requirements and application instructions.

Our Faculty

Instructors in the Faculty Scholars Program have expertise in helping other educators reach their professional goals.


Arsenia M. Asuncion, MD

Assistant Dean, Clinical Education


Nicholas Berbari, MD

Associate Professor, Department of Medicine


Clilly Castiglia, MPS

Director, Instructional Design and Innovation Center


Mahmood Hussain, PhD

Professor, Department of Foundations of Medicine


Shah Islam, DrPH, MPH



Patricia Janicke, RN

Director, NYU Langone Hospital—Long Island Simulation Center


Ulka Kothari, MD

Director, Educational Informatics


Jill A. Leavens-Maurer, MD

Director, Pediatric Residency


Paula E. Lester, MD

Associate Program Director, Geriatric Fellowship


Barnaby Nicolas, MSIS

Associate Curator, Department of Foundations of Medicine


Jeannine Nonaillada, PhD

Assistant Dean, Faculty Development and Mentoring


Orla O’Donoghue, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Foundations of Medicine